April 2024 Full Moon Reading
Hi Friends! Happy Full Moon!
This month’s collective reading is for the Full Pink Moon. Each Full Moon I ask 3 questions.
What needs to be released?
2. What is this Full Moon telling me?
3. What is to come?
Here is what came up.
The Divine Tarantella Goddess reminds you dance out any negative energy or bad spirts. Be unabashed, exuberant and childlike while welcoming an increase in your overall health and vitality.
Try to look at the whole picture, there is something that has been obscuring your vision. Pause to understand the path you are currently on. Be mindful of your own perception of present circumstances as not to be deceived.
Like Atemis you are focused and determined. Venture on new paths to pursue your goals and dreams. With clear purpose you can hone in your skills to achieve anything!
I hope this reading finds you well. Have a wonderful Full Moon!
Sending love & gratitude,