Buck Full Moon July 13, 2022

Buck Full Moon July 13, 2022

Get ready for this years biggest and brightest full supermoon! July’s Full Moon is called the Buck Moon. Bucks shed and regrow their antlers annually. Their antlers become more majestic as the years carry on. During this time the male deers begin this regrowth season. 

This Full Moon falls in Capricorn with the Sun in Cancer. Capricorn rules the 10th House of professional life; ambitions & career. Cancer represents home and family ruled by the 4th House. It’s important to have a healthy balance of home and work life at this time. It’s an excellent  time to revive your profession or move forward with career opportunities that have presented themselves.

During this time we are also linked to the planet Saturn which is known for bringing up distress or depressive emotions. Try not to hang on too tightly. Release any worry or bummed emotions!

As I mentioned above this month is a Supermoon so if you follow your birth chart and this moon aligns with your chart’s moon it’s energy will be even more powerful. 

Buck Moon Intentions:

Finish up pending projects



New opportunities 

Home & Work Life 

Buck Moon Names:

Salmon Moon

Berry Moon

Raspberry Moon

Thunder Moon

Ripe Corn Moon

Crystal for Buck Moon: Ametrine

🦌Prosperity 🦌Abundance 🦌Transmutes Negativity 🦌Promotes Positive Energy 🦌Balances Opposing Energies

📷: Max Saeling


New Moon in Leo


New Moon in Cancer