Buck Full Moon July 3, 2023

Buck Full Moon July 3, 2023

July’s moon will be the biggest and brightest full moon as it is a supermoon! This moon is called the Buck Moon due to male deers beginning to regrow antlers they have previously shedded. Their antlers become more majestic as the years carry on. A supermoon is when the moon appears large in the sky as the Moon orbits closest to Earth at the same time the Moon is full. Supermoons bring heightened awareness and intuition when connecting with our higher selves.  

This Full Moon falls in Capricorn with the Sun in Cancer. Capricorn’s theme includes professional life; ambitions & career. Cancer represents home and family. Every Full Moon brings polarity between its moon and sun sign. It’s important to have a healthy balance of home and work life at this time. It’s an excellent time to revive your profession or move forward with career opportunities that have presented themselves. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn reflecting challenges, responsibilities, commitment, wisdom, perseverance, and karma. Saturn life lessons teach us to grow, mature and help us take steps needed in achieving our goals. Saturn is also known for bringing up distress or discouraging emotions. During the heightened energy of the Full Moon try not to hang on too tightly to these perceptions. Release any worry you may be carrying.     

Buck Moon Intentions: No need to resist change. Let go of any worry or fears to welcome growth.   

Crystal for Buck Moon: Amazonite

🦌Let go of worry 🦌Keeps you Calm 🦌Peace & Understanding 🦌Integrity 🦌Prosperity 🦌Protection Against Negative Emotions 🦌Care-Free Attitude


New Moon in Cancer July 17, 2023


New Moon in Gemini June 18, 2023