Full Moon April 16, 2022
Full Moon April 16, 2022
I am very excited about this upcoming full moon. Not only is it the first full moon of spring but it's also my birthday!!! This month's full moon is named the Pink Moon also called the Paschal Full Moon. For those who celebrate Easter this moon is significant. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon.
According to the Old Farmers Almanac the Pink Moon's name comes from numerous sources including Native American, Colonial American, & European. April's Full Moon compliments springtime blooms. Specifically the North America native wildflower Phlox Subulata which also goes by the name "moss pink."
April's Full Moon is in Libra and Sun in Aries. Libra is ruled by Venus. It is a good time to release anything negative from your life. Let go of past upsets and forge ahead!
Aries is a me, me, me energy so be sure to balance what you give and what you get. What do you need from others, what can you give in return?
Pink Moon Intentions:
🌝Balance your desires
🌝Plant Seeds for the year ahead, figuratively and metaphorically
🌝Set your goals and go after them!
April Moon Names:
Pink Moon
Paschal Moon
Breaking Ice Moon
Budding Moon of Plants and Shrubs
Crystal for Pink Moon: Rhodochrosite Crystal
💎Compassion for others & self 💎Kindness 💎Unconditional Love 💎Calming 💎Grounding 💎Forgiveness 💎Aura Cleansing
📷: Filmplusdigital