Pink Full Moon in Aries April 6, 2023
Pink Full Moon in Aries April 6, 2023
It’s the first Full Moon of Spring! Spring officially began on March 20th so that makes this full moon the Paschal Full Moon, traditionally called a Pink Moon. The Paschal Full Moon is the first full moon after the spring equinox. It also determines what day Easter falls on each year. This is why Easter is a flexible date as it is always celebrated the Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon.
April’s Full Moon is in Libra and Sun in Aries. Libra energy is all about diplomacy and fairness, the sign of harmony and relationships. We are encouraged to release anything negative from our relationships, let go of any upsets and move on. Balance what you give and what you receive. With every Full Moon we have polarity, that’s where Aries steps in with all its all about ME, bold, creative & fiery vibes. The symbol for Libra is the balancing scales urging us to balance the energies of our Libra Moon and Aries Sun.
Pink Moon Intentions:
🌸Let go & forge ahead!
🌸Balance your desires
🌸Plant Seeds for the year ahead, figuratively and metaphorically
🌸Set your goals and go after them!
April Moon Names:
🌷Awakening Moon
🌷Breaking Ice Moon
🌷Budding Moon of Plants and Shrubs
Crystal for Pink Moon: Amazonite
⚖️Balance between Throat & Heart Chakras ⚖️Loving Unconditionally ⚖️Integrity ⚖️Forgiveness ⚖️Prosperity ⚖️Protecting Against Negative Emotions ⚖️Peace & Understanding
📷: Navi