Snow Full Moon February 5, 2023

Snow Full Moon February 5, 2023

Typically here in the US February is the snowiest month during our winter season. The abundant snow made it hard for native people to hunt, nicknaming this moon the Hungry Moon. This Moon is in Leo and the Sun is in Aquarius. It will be a high-energetic time! Leo rules the 5th House; romance, children, pleasure and creativity. During this time, think about what you need for self expression vs what others might need from you. Each full moon has polarity. With the Sun in Aquarius focus is on the 11th House; friendships, community and networking. Get in touch with people, it can be a great time for social interaction! Have fun during this vibrant moon phase.  

Snow Moon Intentions:

🌨️Let go of self-doubt: put those new moon wishes from the new year into action!

🌨️How can you express your creativity? Exhibit your talents!

🌨️What does your inner child want to do right now? 

Snow Moon Names:

🌝Hungry Moon

🌝Eagle Moon

🌝Bear Moon

🌝Goose Moon

Crystal for Snow Moon: Amazonite

❄️Happiness  ❄️Playfulness  ❄️Care-Free Attitude  ❄️Peace & Understanding  ❄️Encourages letting go of limited beliefs & emotional blockages 

📷: Kym MacKinnon


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