Strawberry Full Moon June 14, 2022
Strawberry Full Moon
It’s the last Full Moon of Spring! This moon is called the Strawberry Moon marking the ripening of “June-bearing” strawberries that are fit to be harvested. As the early bloomage of spring flowers emerge, early fruit ripens.
This moon will also be the second supermoon of 2022! As the night skies become darker and clearer the Full Moon will appear bigger and brighter. If you follow your birth chart and this moon aligns with your chart’s moon it’s energy will be even more powerful.
June’s moon goes by many names. It’s a month of wedding bliss as many marriages take place in June, traditionally followed by the “honeymoon” which is thought to be linked to an alternative name. Additional names indicate the flowering season, tending to crops, or the birth of spring babies.
June’s Full Moon falls in Sagittarius and Sun in Gemini. Sagittarius is a love sign zodiac, fiery and passionate ruled by the hot and wet planet of Jupiter. While Gemini energy is more breezy with a love of conversation. Be mindful of balancing your chats, say what you think without saying too much or coming off as too preachy.
Now is the time to look at the bigger picture of your life. Feelings to understand the cosmic quest of life may peak at this point in time. Take this moment to complete any unfinished studies or go on a long trip. Long trips guide us to discover new possibilities and create new adventures.
Strawberry Moon Intentions:
Personal development
New perspective
June Moon Names:
Blooming Moon
Birth Moon
Green Corn Moon
Hoer Moon
Meade Moon
Egg Laying Moon
Hatching Moon
Honey Moon
Crystal for Strawberry Moon: Calcite
Blue: speaking your truth & integrity 🍓 Green: abundance 🍓 Pink: unconditional love 🍓 White: communicating with a higher power and spiritual growth
📷: Jake Weirick