Strawberry Full Moon June 3, 2023

Strawberry Full Moon - June 3, 2023

It’s the last Full Moon of Spring! This moon is called the Strawberry Moon marking the ripening of “June-bearing” strawberries that are fit to be harvested. As the early bloomage of spring flowers emerge, early fruit ripens. This is a wonderful reminder that any seeds or intentions you have planted will begin to bloom. We begin to see results from our intentional actions we have taken during previous New Moon rituals.

Full moons bring heightened energy. Just as the moon causes the tides to rise and fall we can also find our emotions to experience highs and lows. During this time we may discover our feelings are wound up or anxious. Sometimes discouraged if our new moon wishes / intentions have not manifested yet. It's important to remember that some manifestations need more time. This is why Full Moon Rituals are performed, to release low energies, patterns, anything you may find counter productive. Allow the brightness of the moonlight to shine on any darkness, to unblock, heal and shed the past.

June’s Full Moon falls in Sagittarius and Sun in Gemini. Sagittarius is fiery and passionate. This big bold energy can help you see the bigger picture. Ruled by the hot and wet planet of Jupiter they share a positive desire to find meaning in life. Jupiter is known for good luck and the opportunity of expanding growth. Gemini energy is more breezy with a love of conversation. The Sun in Gemini encourages us to zoom into the details and think sensibly. With every full moon comes polarity between the sun and moon signs. It is best to find supportive balance within the energies. Be mindful of your chats, say what you think without saying too much or coming off as too preachy. Look at the big picture and let go of the small details.

Strawberry Moon Intention: Let go of small transgressions

Crystal for Strawberry Moon: Jade

🍓Luck 🍓Easing Guilt 🍓Interrupts Negative Thought Patterns 🍓Strengthens Life Force Energies 🍓Promotes Love


New Moon in Gemini June 18, 2023


New Moon in Taurus May 19, 2023