Beaver Full Moon 2024

Beaver Full Moon November 15, 2024

November’s Full Moon is called the Beaver Moon. It’s during this time of the year Beavers take shelter in the lodges they have built that are stocked with food they have collected for the long winter. This is also the season to trap beavers for their winter pelts. 

The Full Moon marks the midway point of the lunar cycle growing in brightness from the darkness of our previous New Moon. Working with the Full Moon shines a light on what is or is not working for us. It teaches us how to let go. Remember as the moon raises the tides, it can also raise our emotions. This is where a Full Moon Ritual can be beneficial. It can be as simple as writing down what we need to release or forgive. It has been said that forgiveness has the power to burn karma. Once you are done writing down what you no longer wish to carry, burn or bury your paper to release and focus on positive emotions. Allow gratitude to replace any held resentment. The more we increase our vibration the easier it will be to manifest.

Our Full Moon falls in Taurus while the Sun is in Scorpio. Taurus is all about earthly needs; possessions, property, cash, etc. Now is a great time for financial planning or turning a corner financially. Do you have an unhealthy relationship with money? Keep in mind it has also been a difficult year for the majority of us! Still, it can be a good time to reassess your budget goals. Think about money you are able to save for a rainy day, your income and your spending habits.    

With every Full Moon we have our opposition to the Sun. Our Sun in Scorpio brings in lots of transformation, death and rebirth. Because of the duality of trying to balance our Moon and Sun signs it can become a bumpy ride as we recognize what isn’t working for us anymore. There may be new realizations or desires to move through this discomfort. Know that deep emotional healing is possible. Take your time to reflect on any situations that are highlighted during this time. There is great healing power in forgiveness. Let go of people, places or things with compassion and grace.

Here is a Reiki filled Beavers Full Moon healing for anyone willing to receive it. Take a moment and just breathe…..  

As the Beaver Moon rises I ground myself into the power of Gia. I release with love anyone in my past for perceived wrongs. I am proud of how far I have come. I am open to any and all prosperities the Universe has to offer me. I show grace and patience during difficult transformations. I deserve long lasting, loving and supportive relationships. I am thankful for those who are true and have been by my side through it all. 

Happy Full Moon,



New Moon in Sagittarius 2024


New Moon in Scorpio 2024