Harvest Full Moon September 17, 2024
Harvest Full Moon September 17, 2024
The Harvest Moon is the Full Moon closest to the Autumn Equinox which will be on September 22nd. This moon gets its name from several evenings of the moon rising soon after sunset. This abundance of moonlight in the early evening aids farmers in harvesting their summer crops.
Every Full Moon brings polarity between its moon and sun sign. Full moons bring heightened energy. Just as the moon causes the tides to rise and fall, we can also find our emotions to experience heightened highs or lows. During this time, we may discover our feelings are wound up or anxious. Sometimes discouraged if our new moon wishes / intentions have not manifested yet. It's important to remember that some manifestations need more time. This is why Full Moon Rituals are performed, to release low energies, patterns, anything you may find counterproductive. Allow the brightness of the moonlight to shine on any darkness, to unblock, heal and shed the past.
This Full Moon will also be a partial lunar eclipse. This is when the Earth moves between the Sun and Moon but they do not form a straight line in space. Eclipses are known for shaking things up with their high octane energy. Their energy is activating with the ability to stir things into action, they also represent portals that create a beginning or ending / opening or a closing. This energy can catapult you in a new direction.
Our Harvest Full Moon will be in Pisces while the Sun is in Virgo. Pisces rules the 12th House known as The House of Secrets. Unconsciously where things are hidden such as fears that hold us back. Secrets may let themselves be known while we move into the 1st House. Pisces also brings a dreamy, mystical or mysterious vibe. This water sign creates fluidity, intuitiveness and spirituality.
The Sun in Virgo is a grounded earth sign ushering in organization, structure and practicality. Virgo is represented by the 6th House focusing on our daily routines and physical health. The duality we find in Pisces and Virgo is finding balance within our spiritual health & physical health.
Here is a Reiki filled Harvest Full Moon healing for anyone willing to receive it. Take a moment and just breathe…..
I call upon the energy of the Harvest Moon. I release any known or unknown fears or worries that continue to hold me back. Like water I am flexible and go with the flow when challenges arise. I trust things are happening for me and not to me. I am thankful for my health, mentally, physically and spiritually. Thank you Harvest Moon for all the transformations that are headed my way. I welcome turning routines into joy and an ordinary day into a blessing.
Happy Full Moon!