Angel Number 429

Angel Number 429

I am still learning of the various ways our guides or Angels communicate with us. One way is through numbers. Usually you may see configurations of the same number such as 11:11 on a clock. Sometimes it can even be a singular number that appears often. This really got me thinking. For 3 days straight this week I kept waking up at 4:29 am. At first I didn't really pay any mind but once it happened the third morning in a row I thought to myself maybe there is a message here. At first I broke down the numbers to Angel number 6 and that didn't really resonate. I kept having this inkling that there was something there so I looked up number 429. To my surprise I found out that it is an Angel Number! I don't know why I didn't just look up the original number to begin with but here are some insights that really resonated with me.

Angel Number 429 Message:

I am supported on my soul's journey. As I persistently act upon my lightworking duties & continue to trust my intuition, doors of opportunity will open along my journey. My guides are assisting me during my spiritual practice & are aiding me to find my place in a spiritual career.

There are so many ways our spirits, guides or angels try to send us guidance. They use what's around us to get our attention, we just need to be open to receiving their messages.

Thank you Joanne for these insights!

📷: Marek Studzinski




The Art of Allowing