Connecting with Spirit through the Clair's
Connecting with Spirit through the Clair's
Clair senses are ways our guides send us messages. I am learning about all the different ways Spirit is trying to connect with us. I am also becoming more aware of new gifts as they show up. Everyone has different gifts. The more we work with our intuition the stronger our connection becomes.
What the Clair's are and how do they show up for us.
Clairempathy I feel is the most common clair that everyone shares, even if we aren't aware of it. It's when we can feel the emotions of people around us. Like when a child is hurt or frightened and you can feel what they are experiencing.
Clairsentience is a clear feeling of others. For insurance if someone is feeling sad or maybe has pain. This can come up as a feeling in someone's energy field. I usually experience this when I am working with Reiki.
Clairaudience is clear hearing. Sometimes this comes through as your own inner voice. This is an intuition I am trying to strengthen. At first I started to get a buzzing in my ears. I've also had snippets of a song pop in my head when I am looking for guidance.
Clairgustance is clear tasting. You may get an odd flavor show up. Some people say they have gotten the taste of cigarettes from a loved one who smoked. Some people take the flavors as signs of something good or worrisome is about to happen.
Clairsalience is a clear smell. This one is new to me! A month ago I was alone at home and got this overwhelming scent of perfume. Then two weeks later I woke up to the smell of coffee. The night before I programmed the coffee maker to start at 5:45am so I was afraid I had overslept. When I checked the time it was only 2:43am.
Claircognizance is a clear knowing. Ever get that gut feeling of something you just knew was going to happen? Or maybe it happens with a person you have just met and you don't get a good vibe? Don't ignore that! I am still learning to trust my gut intuition more.
Clairvoyance is clear seeing. This is a major psychic ability to things beyond our world. Some can see beings such as angels or loved ones from heaven. Sometimes this can happen through dreams. Having a dream of a future event is an example. Some people can see auras, symbols, images or snippets of a movie.
Everyone's gifts are different. Trust in any messages that are being sent your way. Remember to call in your Guides, Angels, Ancestors, etc for help. They are here to support us and send us signs to reassure us we are not alone. Believe in your intuition.
📷: Evie S.