Creating an Altar

Have you created an altar? The very first altar I created was an ofrenda for Dia de Los Muertos. In my culture we create an altar to honor our loved ones who have passed on. They can be elaborate displays full of flowers, candles, photos, offerings of our loved ones favorite food, drinks or candy. When I got in touch with my woo-woo side I wanted to have an altar that was more permanent versus just for a holiday. I Googled and Pinterested to see exactly what I needed! The basics I found was to have something that represents the 4 directions or 5 elements. And these ideas can be combined. For instance North represents the element for Earth. East is Air. South is Fire. West is Water. And the 5th element is Spirit. Sounded easy enough! I grabbed some crystals, sage, a candle, a seashell and an angel statue I had hanging around. Done!

Over time I've learned it really doesn't need to be so calculated. An Altar can be anything that makes you happy. During a webinar with Denise Linn she mentioned how something as simple as photos displayed on a piano can be an altar. Which reminded me of my desire for a permanent ofrenda. I'm inspired to make my ofrenda photos an everlasting fixture this year.

Presently, I have a variety of altars spread around my house. Every morning I have coffee and do a card reading. So on my coffee bar I created a small altar with my three Oracle decks. I have an elements altar on my nightstand and there are a couple areas where you can find clusters of rocks & crystals. I also use a traveling altar for when I am out of town. I typically bring an amethyst crystal, an Oracle deck and sometimes some Essential Protection oil spray.

Here are just some ideas to help you create your own sacred space full of things you love!

  • Photos

  • Crystals or Rocks

  • Essential Oils

  • Anything that represents spirit

  • Religious pictures

  • Angels

  • The 4 Directions

  • 5 Elements

  • Candles or Incense

  • Sage

  • Feathers

  • Flowers or Herbs

  • Oracle Cards or Tarot Cards

  • Singing bowl

  • Prayer beads

  • Anything that centers and grounds you


Creating a Vibration Board


What is a spiritual awakening?