Difference between 3D - 5D Consciousness
There is a lot of talk about shifting from 3D to 5D Consciousness also known as "The Great Awakening". The D stands for the dimensions of time and space. The higher the D the more time expands. But what exactly does that mean? How do we move from one dimension to another? Why are there so many layers to consciousness? Here is what I have found.
Consciousness has a lot of definitions. Ultimately it is our connection with our guidance system; God, Source, the Universe, etc. Similarly how the universe has a variety of dimensions, so does our state of consciousness. These dimensions are known as 3D, 4D and 5D. Someone living in a 3D state sees life very differently than someone living in a 5D state of consciousness. So how are these dimensions broken down?
Currently we are in a 3D Consciousness. Living in a Physical State. We are materialistic. We don't sense anything past our 5 senses. We don't look within for deeper meanings. We accept mainstream media & governments. We view ourselves as individuals with a "survival of the fittest" mentality.
4D Consciousness is an Awaken State. We have the ability to use six senses. Knowing we are all connected. Remembering what you are here to do. Have powerful thoughts that can cause shifts. More compassion and understanding. Pay more attention to the effects of the planet and the people around us. Desire to find our purpose. Our intuition begins to grow. Still possible to flow in-between 3D & 4D states of consciousness.
5D Consciousness is an Emotional State. We focus more on emotional aspects of our lives. We are a society of joy and value how we treat others. There is an importance of our character vs our achievements. We have love and compassion over judgement. Connectedness to people, the planet and the universe. We live our truth. There is no more competition because there is room for everyone in the Universe. Have strong intuition. The ability to manifest at a faster rate. Radical forgiveness. Unconditional love. There is an internal shift, realizing the world is a reflection of ourselves. Understanding we are all one. Life turns into growth, realizing every experience has meaning.
What I have learned is whichever conscious state you find yourself in, know that our awareness is unique and everyone is on their own path. Changes to consciousness resulting in a shift of interpreting the world can happen in your sleep through dreams, reiki healing, hypnosis or meditation.
📷: Ava Sol
Sources: Reiki for Life by Penelope Quest, Verywellmind.com , Art Tawanghar @ Tawanghar.medium.com , Tanaaz @ Foreverconscious.com , Yasmin Ibrahim @ Yasmin-Ibtahim.medium.com , Brooklyn Elizabeth Brown @ https://youtu.be/tliJNFg6uco