Indigenous Sacred Fire Rituals

Indigenous Sacred Fire Rituals

Sacred fire ceremonies are celebrated in cultures all over the world. Today I will be touching on Indigenous Rituals.

Aztec Fire Ceremony

The Aztecs fire ritual was called the New Fire Ceremony known as the Binding of the Years Ceremony. This ritual was held every 52 years in the month of November to mark the completion of an Aztec solar year. This tradition was very important! If successful the sun would be renewed for another 52 year cycle. If the ceremony failed the Aztec civilization would come to an end.

At the beginning of the ceremony all the fires in the land would be extinguished and paths would be cleared. The Fire Priest would make a new fire at the base of the Sun Pyramid. Once the fire burst into flames the fastest runners in the land would light fire bundles and run like the wind to all the temples and homes to light their fires from this single source. The fulfillment of this fire ceremony would reset the calendar cycle and renew the world.

Indigenous Sacred Fires

Sacred Fires are an important part of Indigenous tradition of spirituality. The fire is considered a spiritual doorway used to connect with ancestors. This practice is intended to make one feel grounded & connected not only to the earth but the spiritual world. It is a time to gather and celebrate but can also be used as a time of reflection on one's purpose. The fire can last through the duration of an event or

Sacred Fires offer togetherness, healing, & remembrance. This sacred space is to be respected and approached with positivity. A Fire Keeper is chosen to build, maintain and keep watch over the fire. The fire is never left unattended. Sacred items such as tobacco, sage, cedar and sweet grass can be placed into the fire. These items keep the fire pure and allow it to burn brightly. Additionally a spiritual dish can also be an offering that is placed in the fire. Sacred Fires are the Heart of Indigenous communities.

What sacred fire tradition does your ancestry celebrate?


World History Encyclopedia

Tribal Trade Co.

CBC Indigenous

📷: Unknown Artist. Aztec New Fire Ceremony


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