Summer Solstice 2023
Summer Solstice 2023
Here in the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice is upon us! This is the celebration of the return of the sun when the days are longer and the nights are shorter, marking the beginning of summer. Astrologically this can happen anytime between June 20th-23rd. This year the Sun will travel along the northernmost path in the sky on June 21, 2023. In the Southern Hemisphere the June Solstice marks the start of winter, the Sun will be at its lowest point in the sky in the southern half of the globe.
The Summer Solstice is when we see all the hard work and planning we put in during the darker months come to fruition. The word Solstice comes from the Latin word for sun (sol). Ancient people added stare or sistere, which means “to stand still” or “to stand or stop” and called it solstitium. Later it was shortened to solstice. A time when the Sun seems to be standing still in the sky. This is a gentle reminder to stand back and just be. Celebrate all that you have achieved from the previous Winter Solstice to the present moment.
We celebrate the height of the Sun’s power and marvel over the abundance of nature's bloomage. Truly enjoy this time. Give thanks for all the people, places and things in your life. Soon the summer will turn to autumn and we will retreat again come the winter.
Tribes of Native America celebrated the longest day of the year with a Sun Dance, singing, drumming, prayer or meditation. Meanwhile Aztecs and Mayas marked this day to build structures meant to align with the shadows of the two solstices. In pagan traditions the solstice is known as Litha, a day to balance the elements of fire and water. The Druids call this midsummer. They believed this night acquired properties from the shortest night of the year for picking particular plants such as roses, verbena and St. John’s wort. On this evening the veil between our world and the fairy realm is at its thinnest, if you're lucky it’s believed you may catch a glimpse of fairies during the evening of the Summer Solstice. Today many celebrate the Solstices and Equinoxes at sacred places such as Stonehenge or the Chichen Itza Pyramid.
Alternate Names:
June Solstice
Summer Solstice Traditions:
🌅Sunset ceremonies
🔥Fire ceremony to set new intentions or midsummer wishes for the next six months & release them into the flames
🌻Create a Summer altar with flowers and candles that reflect the colors of the sun
🥂🍒Feast with friends and family
🧚🏽Honor the fairies by gathering bouquets for your home or wearing a flower garland crown. Hang lavender, sage, marigold or rosemary in your home for protection and healing. Leave an offering for the fairy folk on Midsummer’s Eve: moonstones, crystals, or anything sparkly.
Each festival is referred to as a Sabbat.
The Greater Sabbats include:
The Lesser Sabbats knows as the "Quarter Days" include:
Ostara - Spring Equinox
Litha - Summer Solstice
Mabon - Autumn / Fall Equinox
Yule - Winter Solstice
Solstice celebrations can include festive foods and drinks. These may vary depending on region and culture.
📷: “Snake of Sunlight at Chichen Itza Pyramid