What the smudge?

Smudging realeases negative energy and allows positive energy to fill your space.

Benefits include:

  • Cleanses negativity

  • Improves quality of sleep

  • Uplifts mood

  • Increases positive energy

  • Purifies the air

  • Reduces stress, anxiety & depression

What you will need.

Traditionally you will need sage, a bowl or abalone shell to hold the sage & a feather to fan and spread the smoke. I feel a bowl or shell are totally optional! I have done many clearings without them. Just be careful with any fly away embers.

How I smudge

I have heard of many different rules one should follow when it comes to smudging. Such as moving in a clockwise direction around each room, closing off each room, having windows cracked open and having all your lights on.

Personally I feel your intention is everything and there isn't a right or wrong way to smudge. Typically I start at my front door, light my sage & set my mantra. Or sometimes I just envision getting rid of anything negative. I move from room to room while repeating my mantra. I am mindful to get into corners, closets and showers to move any stagnant energy.

Some people like to do a closing ceremony when their smudging is complete. You can do this in a variety of ways. You can repeat your mantra if you have one. Envision your space in a bright white light. You can simply thank your space. If you work with Angels or Guides you can thank them for their protection during the cleansing. Whatever feels right for you is perfect!


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