Beaver Full Moon November 8, 2022

Beaver Full Moon November 8, 2022

Full moon & election day & total lunar eclipse, oh my!

November 8th isn’t just election day here in the states it’s also a full moon known as the Beaver Moon with a total lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse happens when the moon passes through the earth’s shadow. When the moon, sun and earth align the shadow of the earth will give the moon a red hue color also known as a Blood Moon. Eclipses are known as life enhancers! if you have fallen off your path your soul chose for this lifetime an eclipse can set things right!

Why is this moon named the Beaver Moon? During this time Native and Indigenous peoples would hunt for fur in preparation for the cold winter ahead. During the fur trade era traps would be set to catch beavers for their thick pelts.

This Full Moon lands in Taurus with the Sun in Scorpio. Taurus rules the 2nd House which has a strong focus on money, property & possessions. This earth signs brings patience & Perserverance. Let go of any negativity you may be holding onto about money. Presently is a great time to turn a corn financially. This weekend many of us will head into Day Light Saving, it’s important to stay grounded. As we head to work in the dark and come home in the dark its essential we make time to catch the sun’s rays! Even if it’s just a 10 minute break in your day. This moon brings easy-breazy manifesting. We will be able to turn the simplest changes into cosmic habits that stick!

With the Sun in the water sign of Scorpio we are reminded to be fluid! Especially when it comes to our material worlds and financial world.

Beaver Moon Intentions:

🌲Healthy Routines: Financial or Physical

🌲Revamp your finances!

🌲Release unhealthy attachments to anyone or anything

Beaver Moon Names:

🌕Frost Moon

🌕Blood Moon

🌕Whitefish Moon

Crystal for Beaver Moon: Citrine

🦫Prosperity 🦫Self Esteem 🦫Creativity 🦫Encourages Generosity 🦫Clarity of Thinking 🦫Manifestation 🦫Facilitates New Beginnings

📷: Patrick Robinson


New Moon in Sagittarius


New Moon in Scorpio