Harvest Full Moon
Harvest Full Moon
September 10, 2022
The Harvest Moon is the Full Moon closest to the Autumn Equinox which falls on September 22nd. This moon gets its name from several evenings of the moon rising soon after sunset. This abundance of moonlight in the early evening aids farmers in harvesting their summer crops.
The Moon will be in Pisces while the Sun is in Virgo. Pisces rules the 12th House known as The House of Secrets. Unconsciously where things are hidden such as fears that hold us back. Secrets may let themselves be known while we move into the 1st House. Pisces also brings a dreamy, mystical or mysterious vibe. This water sign creates fluidity, intuitiveness and spirituality.
The Sun in Virgo is a grounded earth sign ushering in organization, structure and practicality. Virgo is represented by the 6th House focusing on our daily routines and physical health. The duality we find in Pisces and Virgo is finding balance within our spiritual health & physical health.
Every Full Moon gives us an opportunity to shine a light on what is or isn’t working for us.
Harvest Moon Intentions:
🌾Nourish spiritual life
🌾Be adaptable to change
🌾Support intuitive callings
🌾Nurture day to day lives
Harvest Moon Names:
🌕Autumn Moon
🌕Falling Leaves Moon
🌕Mating Moon
Crystal for Harvest Moon: Azumar
🌽Supports our deepest truths 🌽Go with the flow 🌽Supports change 🌽Stimulates 3rd Eye
📷: Dario Bonzi