New Moon in Libra

New Moon in Libra

New Moon in Libra September 25, 2022 

♎️ Libra Season: September 22 - October 23

⚖️ Symbol: Scales

💛 Ruled by: Venus

🌬 Element: Air

The New Moon in Libra is ruled by the 7th House. This energy focuses on important relationships. Helping us build connections through collaboration within our communities. This energy can also bring reconciliation or a new approach to existing relationships. 

Libra is an air sign with the ability to bring new perspectives, an exchange of information, learning new things, or new research. The symbol of the balancing scales is a representation of duality. The grace of negotiations through communication to understand one another. 

Libra is ruled by the planet Venus which is often seen as the planet of love. Which explains the governing of our relationships. Venus represents values not only in relationships but in finances or material possessions. During this time it would be wise to really give some thought on any big purchases. 

New Moon Libra Intentions:

🎙Speak your truth

🤗Reconciliation; work things out, new perspectives 

💜Relationships; communication, boundaries, what improvements can be set? 

⚖️ Balance between polarities 


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