6:6 Portal

June’s Portal is a cosmic gateway or activation to expand consciousness. Our Sun is in Gemini reminding us to focus on relationships that are important to us. The number 6 represents harmony and balance. Making it the perfect day to manifest unconditional love for yourself and for loved ones. Take some time to ask yourself are you feeling balanced and grounded? We live in a time of always being on the go or needing to feel productive each and every day. And at times when we aren’t doing those things we can have a sense of guilt for not “doing” enough. Just for today try not to force the “Go-Go-Go” mentality. Work on that hobby you set by the waste side, read that book that has been sitting on the shelf, spend quality time with your people. But here is the most important part, do not feel guilty about it! Soak up the rays of light this 6:6 Portal is sending to you and enjoy!

Sending you all extra love & light,



Summer Solstice 2024


Eclipse Rituals