777 Portal

777 Portal

The seventh day of the seventh month is known as the 777 Portal. This day is amplified by the number 7 in numerology energy. The number seven has always been considered a lucky number. It always makes me recall those Lucky 7 Slot Machines.

The number 7 is represented by seven days in a week, the seven continents or even the seven wonders of the world. Spiritually the number 7 represented in Tarot under The Major Arcana, The Chariot, signifying victory. It also holds a strong connection to the higher frequency of the Divine.

The energy of this Portal is open for you to connect to through meditation or simple contemplation. Deep introspection can have profound transformation or awakening can be experienced. The number 7 is a sign of wisdom, thought and intellect which can bring truth seeking change. Be open to new insights of self-discovery or detachment to finding your inner peace. Let go of the need to control everything and try to live in the moment by going with the flow. Tune into your intuition for guidance. 

Happy 777 Portal!



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