20 Day Cacao Challenge

Cacao Challenge

I recently completed a 20 Day Cacao Challenge with the Mayan Wisdom Project. Here are just a few things I learned during this challenge. 

The Mayans use 20 calendars that intertwine. We focused on the Cholq’ij which is known as the sacred calendar of life. Within this calendar there are 20 energies with 13 manifestations of each energy. After the 13 day cycle a new cycle starts. The 20 energies are; B’atz’, E, Aj, I’x , Tz’ikin, Ajmaq, No’j, Tijax, Kawoq, Ajpu, Imox, Iq’, Aq’ab’al, K’at, Kan, Kame, Kej, Q’anil, Toj, T’zi’.

Each energy is carried by a Nawal which is the spirit, strength and elements of nature. 

Everyday we met over zoom, shared a cup of cacao and learned about the energy of the day. We learned about a Nawal associated with the energy and the lesson they represent. It was such a wonderful daily practice. I loved learning about this sacred medicine and of the Mayan people who made this challenge possible. 

It’s amazing how much I learned in our short time together. This challenge was filled with so many wonderful insights and lessons. Here are just a few takeaways I have to share with you.

*Put your past in front of you, not behind you. Seeing it in front of you is how we persevere & overcome it. When we learn to release the past we turn knowledge and wisdom into lessons. 

*When we find history repeating itself pay close attention! When we don’t learn from our lessons they come back even harder until we hit rock bottom. 

*Remember to be open, honest and your true authentic self. Be who you truly are no matter who may be around you. 

*Be open but also have healthy boundaries!

*Be true to yourself. Flow like water, walk strong and always work on self improvement. 

*Good communication is important! Things need to be spoken, people aren’t mind readers! 

*Have good relationships with others as this is a direct reflection of how we are doing on the inside. 

*Importance of community! When we work in favor of our community we manifest abundance for all! 

If you want to learn more about this sacred medicine head over to The Mayan Wisdom Project.

To follow the energy of the day head over to Maya Tecum  

(These are not paid sponsorships) 




Lughnasadh / Lammas