Have you heard of the perispirit before? I recently attended an energy workshop and they briefly spoke about this. It’s a term used to describe the spirit body, used by Allan Kardec. He defined “spirits” as “the intelligent beings of the creation.The perispirit appears as vapor like. This semi-material substance surrounds our body to house our spirit. Spiritually, humans are made up of 3 essential parts; the body, the soul and the perispirit.
The perispirit binds our spirit (immaterial) to our physical body (material). It is said to be made up of "Universal Cosmic Fluid", which in different densities and states, is the source of all matter. These spirits can identify and recognize one another on the spiritual plane. It does not die with the body. It intermediates all the sensations that the soul receives. It’s capable of transmitting sensations from the body to the spirit which then can imprint from the spirit to the body.
When we get frightened or nervous our perispirit gets close and attaches tightly to our body. When we feel love it expands. At first I associated this with our aura but that wasn’t accurate, although it seems very similar. Due to the way the spirit can imprint on our bodies it’s important to remember to release any emotional pain or discomfort as the perispirit can make contact with this. Thus resulting in making us more susceptible to physical pain or illnesses.
The perispirit has been associated as the astral body. For instance having an out of body experience, that would be your perispirit or astral body leaving the body. Commonly through meditation a spiritual traveler can leave their physical body and travel in their subtle body to higher realms. During our sleep the perispirit can become semi disconnected while experiencing life in the spiritual world through our dreams. When the time comes for the body to die the perispirit lives on to be reincarnated.
Resource: The Mediums Book by Allen Kardec
📷: Spiritism with Allen Kardec