Gardening with the Moon

Gardening with the Moon

I recently became aware of the concept of gardening with the moon. In recent years I have finally figured out how to keep houseplants alive. I have had minor success when it comes to my flower garden. I definitely have not mastered a vegetable garden although I feel the Texas weather plots against me at times. Alas, I keep trying! I already work with the moon in so many other ways after reading about gardening with the moon I think I am going to give this a go. 

Gardening by the moon is new to me but is really an ancient practice. Just as the Moon’s gravitational pull causes tides to rise and fall, the different cycles of the moon affect the moisture in soil for plant growth. Seeds absorb more water during the New and Full Moon when more moisture is available in the surface of the soil resulting in greater germination and aiding in better-established plants. 

Moon Sowing

Waxing Lunar Cycle Gardening:

The waxing lunar phase is the time after a New Moon leading up to a Full Moon. During this time plant annual flowers, fruit and vegetables that grow above the ground such as watermelon, tomatoes or corn. The growing moonlight will encourage these plants to grow leaves and stems. 

Waning Lunar Cycle Gardening:

The waning lunar phase comes after the Full Moon leading up to a New Moon. Plant bulbs, perennials, biennial flowers or vegetables that grow below the ground such as carrots or potatoes. As the moonlight decreases plants are encouraged to grow roots. 

Gardening with Astrological Zodiac

An alternative way to tend to your garden is going by the Moon’s position in the astrological zodiac. 

When the Moon is in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, or Taurus ~ Plant, Transplant, or Graft

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, or Aquarius ~ Harvest, Control Insect Pests, Plow, or Weed

Capricorn Moon ~ Build/Fix Fences or Garden Beds

Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius ~ Prune

Have you tried gardening with the lunar cycle? I would love to hear any successful stories or any tips you have found with gardening with the moon. 

📷: gruffyn m


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