Reiki Energy
Reiki Energy
First let’s talk about the Ki in Reiki. Ki is life-force energy. The energy that surrounds and permeates everything. Reiki is spiritual energy. Healing energy that works with Ki energy at a higher vibration.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a safe, non-intrusive holistic healing modality used for balancing, healing and harmonizing all aspects of a person. Including one's spirit, body, mind, emotions and can also encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth.
Where does Reiki come from?
Reiki energy comes from The Universe, Source, Creator, God, All That Is. This energy enters our being beyond the confines of our physical bodies. Through the extension of our Spirit/Soul/Higher Self.
What are some benefits of Reiki?
What I find most magical about Reiki is it knows exactly where it’s needed! Your practitioner doesn’t really need to know what physical or emotional pain you are experiencing for the healing or clearing to work. Unless there is any area you would like specific attention. A practitioner is only a channel for the person receiving the healing. The positive shifts in energy are boundless, not limited to the physical body. The effects can also heal and balance ones spirit, mind, and emotions. Over time you will start to notice harmony in your entire well-being.
Interesting facts about Reiki
🌀Reiki’s Universal Energy is limitless
🌀Reiki healing can be sent to anyone, anywhere,at anytime. Including past or future events
🌀Ability to clear energy blockages but also your home, work space, or can be used to aid in memory, motivation or self-growth
🌀Can only be used for the highest good, does not cause any harm
🌀Does not deplete the energy of the person channeling Reiki. In fact, as Reiki is given the practitioner also receives
📷: Reiki for Life by Penelope Quest