

Oneness is defined as "the fact or state of being unified or whole, though comprised of two or more parts." For instance "the oneness of man and nature."

We make distinctions where we look at others as separate from ourselves instead of looking at each other with common ground. Someone once told me we put people on pedestals. Some are on our level, others are below us and some are above us. I feel that polarization in the media and things we read online that have caused immense division. I welcome the day we can learn to listen to both sides without judgement & realize we can find mutual understanding. Until then I will leave you with this….

"Solidarity of a tree. Another level of truth as to how we can look at the tree. Sense the soil that's nourishing it & everything that affects the quality of the soil. Rainfall & things that affect the quality of that rainfall. Sense sunlight, moonlight & quality of air. Now extend that to the boundlessness of life. Acknowledging our connection to all of life. The truth of how connected we all are. Deeper reality of how our life is functioning and not feel so cut off and alone because in truth, we're not." - Sharon Salzberg

📷: Michael Fenton


Shadow Work


Ego vs Intuition