Ostara - Spring Equinox

Ostara - Spring Equinox

The first day of Spring is upon us! Spring officially arrives in the Northern Hemisphere on March 20th marking the return of the sun crossing north of the equator.

Equinox comes from the Latin words for "equal night" aequus (equal) nox (night). On the equinox the length of day & night is almost equal in all parts of the world.

Ostara comes from the Anglo-Saxon Goddess Eostre who represents Spring and new beginnings. Ostara symbolizes a time to plant new seeds, fertility, rebirth & renewal.

Pagan Anglo-Saxons held feasts in Eostre's honor. This would later be replaced by the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.

In England revellers gather at dawn by Stonehenge’s ancient ruins to mark the vernal equinox, the official welcoming of springtime. The sun rises exactly in the east, travels through the sky for 12 hours and then sets exactly in the west.

In Mexico people gather at the pyramids in Teotihuacán. Many dress in white with a red scarf. Rituals include dancing, burning incense, chanting and standing at the top of the Pyramid of the Sun with open arms to welcome in the warmth of the sun. The sun rises over the Apan Mountains to the east of the Pyramid of the Sun illuminating the landscape with its rays of light.


Northern Hemisphere March 20th

Southern Hemisphere: September 23rd



Life Emerging


New Beginnings

Equal Light & Darkness


🌱Plant new seeds

🧹Spring cleaning

🌄Sunrise Ceremonies

🔮Create a Spring inspired altar with bright colors, new intentions, colored eggs, seeds, flowers or herbs to promote growth & healing.

🔥Fire ceremony to set new intentions & release them into the flames.

📷: Jordan Elliott


Triple Moon Symbol

