Pentacle vs Pentagram

Pentacle vs Pentagram

The pentacle's name often gets confused with the pentagram. These 2 symbols frequently get misused interchangeably. Both display an upright 5 pointed star. It wasn't until the 1800's when these symbols were said to be associated with satanism or the occult.

The Pentacle

Similar to the pentagram, Pagans believe the circle around the star represents how all the elements are in balance and harmony. The circle protects the elements of the pentagram. The pentacle dates back to the stone age era where this symbol was found etched into stone age caves. Pagans and Wiccans use the pentacle to invoke or banish forces or shield themselves against psychic or physical dangers. In tarot the Suit of Pentacles is kindred with the elements of the Earth. A femanine element of fertility, supported groundedness & stability.

The Pentagram

The 5 pointed star is meant to be drawn in a single motion moving from one point to another. Dating back to 3000 B.C.E the pentagram is the oldest marking known to man. Pagans believe each point of the star represents the 5 elements; Earth, Air, Water, Fire & Spirit. In Greece the star was used to demonstrate the Golden Ratio. This divine proportion element is found in spiral patterns found in nature to humankind and in our galaxies. In Christianity this design was adorned on churches as an emblem of protection. It also represented the 5 wounds of Jesus while on the cross.

Symbol of Evil

The pentagram didn't always have a negative connotation. This symbol wasn't linked to evil until 1855 when former priest Elipas Levi, born Alphonse Louis Constant, wrote books on the occult, Transcendental Magic. Elipas was quoted saying "A reverse pentagram with two points projecting upwards is a symbol of evil and attracts sinister forces."

Upward pointing pentagram demonstrates Divine above all elements. Downward pointing pentagram signifies earth over the Divine.

Then in 1966 a group of satanists created the Church of Satan who used the goat pentagram, Sigil of Baphomet, as their official insignia.

Resources: Biddy Tarot. Gamma Ray.

📷: Viva Luna Studios




Tradition or Superstition