What do you think of when you hear the word meditation? What do you picture when someone is meditating? I used to think meditation was this enlightened person sitting in a lotus position who could fully quiet their mind, in a silent room where they could completely shut down any random thoughts to have a zen state of mind and this had to last for at least an hour. Boy was I was wrong! (and so is this meme) There are a lot of mediation memes going around about the "right and wrong" way to meditate. If I'm being completely honest they irritate me more than they should. I don't believe there is a one way that fits all when it comes to meditation.
Personally I meditate under many different circumstances and for various times. If it's the weekend I am usually sitting alone in my bedroom while the kids laugh and play and scream throughout the house. If it's a school day I wait for the toddler to nap and take advantage of a quiet house. On super busy days I will take the time to breath and center myself while washing dishes or driving my car.
Sometimes our mind can get very chatty when we are quiet. Let it in! Acknowledge those thoughts and come back to your breath.
Also remember not everyone gets instant clarity to their questions everytime they meditate. It's ok! Sometimes clarity comes later. If I'm sitting quietly and something comes through, amazing! But that's not always the case. I can give you an odd tip that's really helped me, I meditate without any expectations. No matter how "good" my meditation was, I know I'm going to feel more clear, more grounded, and ready to move on with my day.
I believe as long as your intention is there, that's all that matters. Do what works for you. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Whether you meditate to destress or to find answers to any uncertainty, it's all about the practice, being present and self love. And remember, you are doing great!