
I found Denise Linn's Seeing the World as an Oracle webinar really beneficial. She says "an oracle knows how to read not just the signs in a card reading, but the signs in life." I found that really powerful. I am very much a "signs" person. When it comes to seeing specific numbers or analyzing my dreams, I'm constantly looking for messages. I believe spirit finds a way to appear, we just need to pay attention when they show up, even in the mundane throws of everyday life. Ever get a nudge? Or a spontaneous memory or thought? When those things happen I check in with whoever popped in my head. Even if it's a simple text. Sometimes that hello text leads to a phone call.

Ever feel unsure about a decision you are pondering? It's ok to ask for a sign. Just be sure to be open and not dismissive when it comes.

Do you have any designated signs? My kids believe it's good luck to find feathers on our hikes. If we see a Cardinal in our yard they say it's a sign our pups who have passed on are stopping by to say hello. We make wishes if we notice all the digits on the clock are the same.

Be open to the signs!

📷: Ava Sol




Oracle Card Clearing Methods