Oracle Activation
I attended Denise Linn's Activating Your Oracle Abilities Webinar. She talked about simple practices to help you step into your oracle role and discover powerful techniques for creating a sacred space in which to do oracle work. Denise believes having a clear space will help with clear answers during our readings. A sacred space is a safe space!
A popular way to clear out negative energy is to smudge or use essential oils. If you don't have these items there is no need to spend any money. You can simply clap the space and invite blessings in. The sound of clapping loudly removes negative energy.
Use affirmations while you clean! Clean your windows with the intention so more light enters your heart. Clean your floors so you feel more grounded and stable. I love that one!
Creating an Altar can be a good activation tool. A special place to focus your intent and call spiritual energy in. Your altar can be as big or as small as you want. You can fill it with anything that helps you feel centered and grounded.
What really spoke to me was how important clutter cleansing is. When you look at your space and I feel it doesn't just have to be the area where you do your readings. It can be any space in your home or office. When you are in that space how does it make you feel? Are there certain objects that make you feel happy? Objects you don't care for? Look at everything from the colors, textures, the amount of light, or the smells. Implement the "Love It or Use It" method. If there is anything you don't love or use, clear it out!
I fully believe in clutter clearing. I have 3 kids so I am no stranger to clutter! Things can build up quickly. And depending on how busy or motivated I am it can linger longer then I care to admit. I have definitely noticed the negative effects in my mood if my home is too cluttered for too long. I get this bogged down feeling, I get less motivated, almost depressed or overwhelmed, and my patience becomes very thin. When my space is clear of clutter I feel lighter, less anxious & more productive.
I hope you have fun creating your own sacred space. A place that is a beautiful reflection of you.
📷: Jen Theodore