Oracle Card Clearing Methods

I have 3 go-to methods when it comes to clearing my decks. When I first receive a new deck I always Sage them first. If the booklet has activation or blessing instructions I follow those directions. A friend recommended knocking on them 3 times in-between readings, I've found that practical and really helpful. And the third is I recharge them under the full moon. I feel those tools work for me pretty well.

I listened to Denise Linn's "Creating Your Sacred Oracle Kit Webinar" and she had some great tips on how you can clear your oracle cards that I have never heard of before. I thought I would share some to see if any of these tips could work for you!

  1. Shufflingash your hands. Shake off water. Use 3 drops of essential oil and smell your hands 3 times. Once for yourself, once for others and once for the Divine. Rub your hands together to energize them and shuffle your deck.

  2. Bell or Drum. You can place your cards under the bell and ring it 3 times. Or hold them on one side of a drum 3 times. Let the sound penetrate and clear any negative energy.

  3. Singing Bowl. Place your bowl on top of your deck to tune and align them. You can also use a crystal singing bowl. Place the cards inside and sing or ring the bowl.

  4. Heart Energy. Bring your deck to your heart and call on your guides to intend bright energy to enter them to clear.

  5. Fire. Be careful with this one! Light a candle and focus on your intention to cleanse. Carefully move your deck over the flame. My version of this is to use Sage. I just let the smoke touch the cards.

  6. Air. Breath of Life. I really like this one. You hold your deck, blow hard and fast on the top 3 times with the intention to clear.

  7. Energize Hands. As a person who loves Reiki this method really spoke to me. If you are a lightworker this might be a good one to try. Hold your deck with one hand and hover your other hand on top. Imagine a pillar of light coming down to your crown moving through to your hands into the cards.

  8. Pendulum. Hold the pendulum over the cards and allow the spinning to clear them. When the spinning stops let your cards breathe for a moment.

  9. Sunshine, Moonlight, Starlight. Let them clear for 1 hour.

  10. Crystals. Place a crystal on top of your deck. For instance you can use a Rose Quartz to infuse your cards with love.

Happy clearing!

📷: Jen Theodore




Oracle Activation